Locator Class

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Base class for all applications.

For a list of all members of this type, see Locator Members.


public abstract class Locator


The Locator class implements the start-up mechanism of a software application. Sophisticated mechanisms for various start-up, shutdown and sleep mode are provided. The mechanism request that all active subsystems provide a class extending the interface IComponent. Components registered later are automatically start-up to reach the same state as the application. The mechanism allows configuration update without stopping the application if required. This mechanism is very useful to release all system resources when performing a normal or an immediate shutdown.

Components can be loaded at runtime. So it is possible to configure the application by specifying the used components for example in a property file. The components are responsible to know and to tell the application all subcomponents which they depend on. With this information the application loads a component and all its dependencies. The component itself can be obtained from the application with the method GetComponent. So far default names are given for the components so that there will be only one component of the same type loaded at the same time. The concept of more than one component of the same type with different names is prepared but not used in the current implementation.

The Locator class implements the singleton pattern.


Namespace: PmMda.Net.Application

Assembly: pmMDA.NET.Common (in pmMDA.NET.Common.dll)

See Also

Locator Members | PmMda.Net.Application Namespace