IAbstractVisitorFunctor Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The abstract visitor functor defines the interface of a visitor which applies a functor to each visited data object.

For a list of all members of this type, see IAbstractVisitorFunctor Members.

public interface IAbstractVisitorFunctor


This class is deprecated. Use the DataObjectVisitorFunctor class instead.

In older version of pmMDA.NET the concrete visitor functors were generated. One functor per package which contains data object was generated. The DataObjectVisitorFunctor class can be used to visit data objects of all packages.


Namespace: PmMda.Net.Dog

Assembly: pmMDA.NET.Common (in pmMDA.NET.Common.dll)

See Also

IAbstractVisitorFunctor Members | PmMda.Net.Dog Namespace