PersistenceHandler.RetrievePaged Method (Type, Int32, Int32, DataObjectOrder)

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Retrieves the data objects tree in a specified order using paging.

public PagedReadOnlyCollection RetrievePaged(
   Type type,
   int reloadAmount,
   int maxLoadedItemCount,
   DataObjectOrder order


The type of the requested data objects.
The number of items that are reloaded in one bunch when an unloaded item is requested.
The maximal count of items which are hold in memory.
The order that specifies the sequence of the items within the returned collection.

Return Value

A read only collectio which allows to access all the existing root data objects.




The returned collection allows to iterate over all items or a subset of all items. See the PagedReadOnlyCollection for further information about its features.

Retrieving root objects using paging is useful if there are a lot of root objects from the specified type. The items of the returned collection are only loaded if they are requested. A paged collection also optimises the used memory by freeing loaded items if the loaded item count exceeds the maxLoadedItemCount.

The is read only. This means that it is impossible to add or remove items from the returned collection. Root objects are created and removed use the and methods.

It is allowed to modify the items of a paged collection. It is also allowed to add new or existing data objects to items of the returned collection using the properties and indexed properties of the items.

The which contains modified items is stored using the method.

See Also

PersistenceHandler Class | PmMda.Net.Dog.Persistence Namespace | PersistenceHandler.RetrievePaged Overload List | PagedReadOnlyCollection | Store | Remove | data objects | PagedReadOnlyCollection | Store | data objects