PagingHelper.Reload Method (Int32, Int32, DataObjectOrder)

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Reloads items by its index.

public virtual IDataObject[] Reload(
   int persistentIndex,
   int count,
   DataObjectOrder order


The index of the first item to reload
The maximum count of reloaded items.
The order that specifies the sequence of the returned data objects.

Return Value

An array which contains the reloaded items.


Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The count is less than 1.
- or -
The persistentIndex is not a valid index in the paged collection.
PagingException No data object manager is registered in the locator.
- or -
The count of persistent items could not be reloaded.
- or -
The items could not be reloaded.
- or -
The owner has been modified by another transaction and an exception is thrown as a result. Note that this exception is only thrown in special cases. See the DefaultOwnerModifiedAction property for further information.

See Also

PagingHelper Class | PmMda.Net.Dog.Paging Namespace | PagingHelper.Reload Overload List